Sunday, April 7, 2013


Certain sites are dedicated to restoring the spiritual success of the independent Baptist churches of the 1970's. The people in charge reason that if we will listen to the teachings of the greatest independent Baptist preachers of that decade, we will bring back their spiritual success. And the people who run these sites don't understand why they are failing.

The leaders back then followed a policy of covering up sin "for the good of the ministry." Eventually, they had to start criticizing Christians who objected to the growing sin. Criticism eventually turned to slander, and by the 1980's, their movement was in decline. Listening to the people who led that decline won't work.

But the people who run these sites believe that they also should cover up sin "for the good of the ministry." They truthfully tell of the successes of these great preachers, while censoring out any references to their failings.

And they do not understand why they are failing.

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