Sunday, May 31, 2009


King Saul and his son Jonathan were facing a serious problem. There was a giant Philistine blaspheming God and frightening their troops. As the tallest Israelite, Saul was under pressure to battle the giant, but he knew he couldn't win. Jonathan had been involved in starting this war, and he was next in line to be king. But, like his father, he was unable to solve the problem.

Then a pink-cheeked boy walked out and killed the giant, getting both Saul and Jonathan out of a bad situation. Jonathan had an idea of what was coming: the boy would be the next king, not Jonathan. So Jonathan made friends with him and helped him. After all, being second-in-command to a successful king was better than being a king who got killed by the Philistines.

Jonathan had the correct attitude towards jealousy. When an underling can do something better than you can, that underling may very well be a gift from God; someone to be appreciated and cared for.

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