Saturday, August 9, 2014

UNDERSTANDING--the ability to benefit from wise counsel. Proverbs 1:5-6

1) Gives you the ability to see how goodness works 2:9
2) Gives you happiness 3:13
3) It preserves the other virtues 5:1-2
4) Impossible to attain without wisdom 10:23 Wisdom and understanding are often listed together and they overlap.
5) People who have understanding seek knowledge 15:14 There is a doctrine that you should not listen to Christians who expose a leader's sins, but understanding goes against that doctrine.
6) Listening to rebuke increases your understanding 15:32
7) Understanding is increased by keeping God's Word rather than man's word Psalm 119:100

Friday, August 8, 2014

My professor defined wisdom as "the ability to apply Scripture to a specific situation." I feel that a better definition is "the ability to apply knowledge to a specific situation."

But the professor still amazed me as he cited verse after verse about the value of wisdom:

1) It provides happiness 3:13
2) It gives you glory 3:35
3) It's the principal thing 4:7
4) It's better than everything else 8:11
5) It's the key to other virtues 8:12 This was a flaw in the professor’s teaching-he made every virtue sharply distinct from the others, when they actually overlap and build each other. Without wisdom, it is difficult or impossible to advance to other virtues.
6) Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord 9:10
7) Wisdom produces helpful, truthful talk 12:18, plus the verses surrounding it. Also 15:2 & 16:23
8) Associating with wise men gives you wisdom 13:20
9) Better than gold 16:16
10) Makes you strong  24:5 Yelling "Don't quit!" over and over can help. But wisdom gives Christ's servants the strength to keep going when things get rough.

Wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore, get wisdom.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


"Wisdom is the principal thing!" my college professor thundered to the classroom. "Therefore get wisdom!"

Sitting in that class, I was shocked. I was uncomfortably aware that I knew of that verse, but had pushed it aside. A heavy reader of Baptist literature, I had never heard this taught.

Talk about powerful teaching, and it was better than almost every sermon I have ever heard. The professor pounded out verse after verse showing the value of wisdom. Go ahead. Get a colored marker and mark the word "wisdom" every time you find it in Proverbs. Then go back and read those verses again. Wisdom is more valuable than soul-winning. It is more valuable that separation. Wisdom is the principal thing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Knowledge comes from listening to God. Many Christian errors come from studying the philosophies of theologians. 

From his mouth come knowledge 2:6

Should you listen to the knowledge that comes from critics of a corrupt system?
Wise people store up knowledge. 10:14
But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.  11:9
Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge. 19:2
Apply….your ears to words of knowledge.  23:12

Are Christian leaders doing right when they hide sins from regular Christians?
The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, But the heart of the fool does not do so.  15:7
But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.  20:15

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The Proverbial virtues actually overlap and build on each other. I'm jumping ahead, but knowledge is necessary in order to have wisdom. Wisdom is necessary to have understanding, etc. Without knowledge, you can only advance slightly into the other Proverbial virtues.

Christian colleges that teach all sides of an issue don't get the scandals that stricter colleges do. Knowledge is a source of Godliness, not a threat to Godliness.

Knowledge and the fear of the Lord go together.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge  1:7
Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD. 1:29

The Proverbial virtues actually overlap and build on each other. I'm jumping ahead, but knowledge is necessary in order to have wisdom. Wisdom is necessary to have understanding, etc. Without knowledge, you can only advance slightly into the other Proverbial virtues.

Christian colleges that teach all sides of an issue don't get the scandals that stricter colleges do. Knowledge is a source of Godliness, not a threat to Godliness.

Knowledge and the fear of the Lord go together.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge  1:7
Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD. 1:29